M.C. Anderson Photography

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Logo! And first blog post!

Hello world!  A little over a year ago I started this little photography company without any experience in starting or running a business.  After working in video editing for ten years doing mostly non-creative work and managing a small office I had enough of the drudgery and gave up everything I knew up to that point.  It was time for a drastic change, so I moved back to my hometown of Chelan, WA and somehow fell into this thing called real estate photography.  With a lot of hard work it's worked out for me so far and I'm grateful every day for the opportunity to earn the trust of my clients.  

I'm cruising along by the seat of my pants trying to juggle a big workload, for which I'm very grateful and proud, while also struggling with branding and marketing and everything else that comes along with running a photography business in 2017.  The lack of a logo was annoying me pretty much on a daily basis so I called Sarah Matthews at Lake Chelan Creative Marketing and we (mostly she) came up with that little beauty you see at the top of the page.  It represents everything I want this business to convey and is an excellent beginning to what I hope is a prosperous future for me and anyone else that decides to come along for the ride. 

3D VIRTUAL TOURS!!!  Last week I finally took delivery of my ®Matterport 3D camera and have added virtual tours as a service.  The tours can be purchased as part of a photography package or as a standalone service for brokers, vacation rentals and commercial locations and will be hosted by me free of charge.  I've conducted over 300 tours up to this point (as an employee of a vacation rental company) and can be considered something of an expert user of this relatively new and exciting technology.  Check out the example of a recent tour below and visit www.matterport.com to read more about the service.

See this content in the original post

Thanks for reading and check back for more updates to come!
